A ready-to-fish Clearwater Outfit that sets you up to catch big fish at a value that’s hard to beat. The Clearwater 9' 6-wt. Fly Rod is a stout trout and light bass fly rod that can handle big, heavy streamers, big hair poppers, dropper setups, and nymph rigs with ease. This is a great rod for pounding the banks from a drift boat or dropping poppers on the edge of lily pads. This is a must-have rod in Alaska for throwing mouse patterns and drifting egg patterns and flesh flies to big rainbows. The Clearwater 906-4 has the backbone to do the job and then some. There are times when conditions call for big flies to catch big fish and this rod is designed for just that.
Outfit includes the Clearwater 9' 6-wt. rod, a size II Clearwater Large Arbor Reel, Clearwater line, backing, and 3X leader, and a rod/reel case.